Estimated reading time: 2 min

PrescienTrader is the world’s most advanced financial market cycles analytic platform. It can analyze any chart in any timeframe and instantly build a highly accurate cyclic model projecting price forward into the future.

PrescienTrader operates on a client/server model. The client is the program you install on your computer. It’s an AmiBroker plugin that displays the cyclical analysis and price projections in a pane on your AmiBroker chart. Additionally, it outputs detailed information to the AmiBroker Interpretation window.

Due to the enormous amount of CPU power and memory required to perform a cycles analysis, the computational functions run on our cluster of supercomputers. The PrescienTrader client transmits your chart data to the PrescienTrader server via PrescientAPI. The server computes the cycles analysis and returns the analysis to the client, which then displays the results in your chart pane. You don’t need to have any special technical knowledge to make this work, it’s all fully automated.


  • One of the following Windows versions:

    • Windows 7
    • Windows 8.1 (NOT Windows 8)
    • Windows 10, build 1607 or later
    • Windows Server 2008 R2
    • Windows Server 2012 R2
    • Windows Server 2016
  • AmiBroker version 6.31 or better. If you don’t have AmiBroker, the installer will automatically install a demo version.
  • Microsoft .NET framework, at least version 4.8. If you don’t have this, it will be installed automatically. The .NET framework is free.

  • PrescientAPI API key. You can obtain an API key at My Account->PrescientAPI. Creating an account is free and grants you unlimited API access with a rate limit of one request per minute. You can remove the rate limit by upgrading to a paid subscription.


  1. Download the PrescienTrader installation package from My Account->PrescienTrader. You must be logged into your account to access this page. If you don’t have an account, you can create one for free on that page.

  2. Double-click on the installer to run it.

    • The default installation mode (Immediate Installation) assumes AmiBroker is installed in its default locations. It will install the plugin files to C:\Program Files\AmiBroker\.NET for AmiBroker\Assemblies.

    • If you’ve installed AmiBroker in a different location, you’ll need to use the Advanced Installation option and manually specify the path for the plugin files. Since PrescienTrader uses the .NET for AmiBroker framework, the plugin files must be installed in .NET for AmiBroker\Assemblies, NOT in AmiBroker\Plugins.

    • In addition to installing the plugin files, the installer will also install several AFL scripts in AmiBroker\Formulas\PrescienTrader.

      • The script contains a “PrescienTrader()” statement that launches PrescienTrader in a chart pane. The parameters specify the default values PrescienTrader will use when it’s initially launched. After starting PrescienTrader, you can right-click on it’s chart pane and select the Parameters option to open a window where you can change any of the parameters, including the API key mentioned above.
      • The other scripts are PrescienTrader Analysis ST and PrescienTrader Analysis MT. There are used for running single-thread and multi-threaded analyses respectively. Consult the documentation for more information on these scripts.
  3. After the installation completes, launch AmiBroker.

  4. Watch the video, Creating a PrescienTrader Chart Pane

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