PrescienTrader nyedhiyakake pilihan konfigurasi ekstensif ing jendela Parameter AmiBroker. Parameter iki ngidini sampeyan nyetel algoritma kanggo macem-macem pasar, pigura wektu, macem-macem jinis input data, etc ...
Kanggo mbukak jendhela Parameter, klik-tengen ing grafik PrescienTrader banjur pilih Paramèter saka menu konteks.
Kunci API
Ing Kunci API kaya kombinasi jeneng pangguna lan sandhi sing unik lan ngenali sampeyan ing sistem kita. Sampeyan bisa entuk kunci API ing akun PrescienTrading. Yen sampeyan durung duwe akun PrescienTrading, sampeyan bisa mlebu gratis. Deleng artikel kasebut, Nggawe PrescienTrader Chart Pane, kanggo informasi luwih lengkap babagan njupuk lan ngetik tombol API sampeyan.
The API Key parameter only appears in the Parameters window for charts, not the analysis Parameters window. However, once you set your API key, it’s permanently saved and will be used automatically, whenever you create a new chart or analysis.
Log File Path
This setting only appears in the Parameters window when running an analysis (Exploration, Backtest, Optimization, etc… It does BUKU appear in the chart Parameters window. If you enter a file path, PrescienTrader will log all status updates to the specified file, in addition to outputting to the log window. The log window only retains a few thousand lines, while the log file has no size limit. Thus, it’s useful when running long optimizations, that may run for many hours or even days. It creates a full log of everything that happened, in case you get any errors due to lost Internet connection or other technical issues.
When entering the file path, enter the full path to the log file you want to create. For example:
C:\Users\John Doe\PrescienTrader.log
You may also use the {PID} placeholder in the file path. This will be replaced with the process ID of the running AmiBroker instance. The process ID is an arbitrary number assigned by the system to a running application. Since each AmiBroker instance has a unique process ID, this allows you to create a separate log file for each AmiBroker instance, when running multiple instances simultaneously. For example:
C:\Users\John Doe\PrescienTrader-{PID}.log
Once you set the Log File Path, it’s permanently saved and will automatically be filled in, whenever you create a new analysis. If you don’t want to create log files, leave this setting blank.
Siri Data
Parameter Data Series ngidini sampeyan milih seri data sing bisa dianalisa. Opsi sing wis dibangun kalebu kalebu Mbukak, Dhuwur, Dhuwur, Nutup, Rata-rata, Jilid lan Mbukak Kapentingan. The default setting is Close and unless you have a really good reason for wanting to analyze a different series, we recommend using Average or Close.
Kajaba iku, yen sampeyan nambahake indikasi khusus ing panel grafik, sampeyan bisa milih indikator khusus minangka seri data kanggo nganalisa. Artikel, Nganalisa Siri Data Adat, nerangake luwih rinci.
Polarity can either be Positive or Negative. The default setting is Positive. Negative Polarity will invert the Prescient Line plot. For reasons we cannot explain, inverting the Prescient Line may yield superior results in certain markets. Nevertheless, this is the exception, so unless you’ve verified this scenario by extensively backtesting a market using negative Polarity, you should leave Polarity set to Positive.
You can override the Polarity setting in the Parameters window by setting the ptPolarity AFL variable to either 0 or 1.
- 0 = Positif
- 1 = Negatif
When running a backtest or optimization, you may set the AFL variable to an array, to dynamically vary the value on each bar.
Dhasar Pl
Dhasar Pl nuduhake algoritma bobot sing digunakake kanggo ngetung Line Prescient. Bisa disetel menyang Kahanan, Kekuwatan, Frekuensi utawa Frekuensi Dibalik. Setelan gawan yaiku Kekuwatan.
Garis Prescient digawe kanthi nggabungake kabeh puncak siklus sing bener dadi grafik komposit siji. Cara tradisional kanggo nggabungake puncak siklus yaiku nambah amplitudo. Nalika pendekatan kasebut bener-bener bener, frekuensi sing luwih suwe biasane luwih gedhe tinimbang frekuensi sing luwih cendhek. Iki bisa nyebabake bobot luwih gedhe sing ditugasake kanggo frekuensi sing luwih suwe supaya grafik ora ana gunane kanggo dagang jangka pendek.
Ing Frekuensi Max setelan, sing dibahas ing ngisor iki, ngidini sampeyan nyaring frekuensi ing ndhuwur ambang tartamtu, saengga sampeyan bisa fokus ing frekuensi jangka pendek, sing luwih ditrapake kanggo dagang jangka pendek. Cara iki efektif, nanging rada ora sopan, amarga bisa ngilangi efek siklus jangka panjang, sing ana pengaruh, sanajan dagang jangka pendek. Sampeyan uga mbutuhake sampeyan milih pemotong kanthi sawenang, sing bisa uga ora optimal ing skenario perdagangan tartamtu.
Cara sing luwih canggih kanggo ngilangi bias jangka panjang yaiku nyuda siklus Kekuwatan tinimbang Amplitude. Kekuwatan siklus ditetepake minangka amplitudo dipérang kanthi frekuensi. Contone, siklus kanthi frekuensi 10 lan amplitudo 50 bakal duwe kekuatan 5. Siklus liya kanthi frekuensi 100 lan amplitudo 250 bakal duwe kekuatan 2,5. Dadi, yen sampeyan nimbang siklus kanthi amplitudo, siklus jangka panjang bakal bobote kaping lima luwih gedhe tinimbang siklus jangka cendhak. Nanging, yen bobot kanthi bobot, siklus jangka pendek bakal kaping pindho bobot siklus jangka panjang.
You can override the PL Basis setting in the Parameters window by setting the ptPLBasis AFL variable:
- 0 = Gedhe
- 1 = Kekuwatan
When running a backtest or optimization, you may set the AFL variable to an array, to dynamically vary the value on each bar.
Range Dhasar
Range Dhasar minangka frekuensi frekuensi siklus paling dawa. Iki nemtokake jumlah seri data sing bakal digunakake kanggo analisis siklus. Iki bisa beda-beda antarane 1 nganti 10, kanthi regane standar 3. Contone, mesthine seri data sampeyan ngemot 3,000 bar, Frequency Max sampeyan wis disetel menyang 300 lan sampeyan nemtokake kisaran Lookback 5. 300 X 5 = 1,500 bar, dadi saka 3.000 bar, paling anyar ana 1,500 bar sing bakal dianalisa. Nemtokake kekuwatan Lookback Range sing luwih murah PrescienTrader kanggo nglirwakake data lawas, sing bisa uga ora cocog karo data sing luwih anyar. Nanging, ora pedhot amarga nggunakake ukuran sampel sing luwih cilik nambah kemungkinan anomali rega anyar bisa ngenalake kesalahan statistik lan nyuripake analisis. Algoritma PrescienTrader nggayuh jumlah kasebut, nanging algoritma kasebut mung bisa digarap data sing diwenehake.
You can override the Lookback Range setting in the Parameters window by setting the ptLookbackRange AFL variable. When running a backtest or optimization, you may set the AFL variable to an array, to dynamically vary the value on each bar.
Frekuensi Min
Frekuensi Min minangka frekuensi minimal (paling cepet) PrescienTrader bakal nimbang nalika nindakake analisis siklus. Setelan gawan yaiku 10 bar lan iki kudu apik kanggo umume pasar. Nanging, yen sampeyan nganalisa pasar bising utawa sampeyan mung seneng ngetrapake perdagangan jangka panjang, sampeyan bisa nambah Frekuensi Min kanggo mbusak sawetara swara saka data rega.
You can override the Min Frequency setting in the Parameters window by setting the Kaleresan AFL variable. When running a backtest or optimization, you may set the AFL variable to an array, to dynamically vary the value on each bar.
Frekuensi Max
Frekuensi Max iku frekuensi maksimal (paling alon) sing bakal dipertimbangake PrescienTrader nalika nganakake analisis siklus. Setelan standar lan maksimum sing diidini yaiku 300 bar. Kanggo perdagangan jangka cendhak, bisa uga migunani kanggo nyuda Frekuensi Max, amarga setelan gawan 300 bisa uga kadang-kadang ngenal bias jangka panjang menyang Prescient Line. Yen sampeyan pengin nganalisa siklus luwih saka 300 bar, sampeyan bisa ngalih menyang wektu sing luwih dhuwur. Contone, nganalisa siklus 300 bar ing pigura wektu saben minggu bakal padha karo analisa 2,100 siklus bar saben dina.
You can override the Max Frequency setting in the Parameters window by setting the Kaleresan AFL variable. When running a backtest or optimization, you may set the AFL variable to an array, to dynamically vary the value on each bar.
Filter Harmonic
Prinsip Harmonisitas JM Hurst negesake manawa frekuensi puncak siklus sing bener kudu maju kanthi geometris, kanthi saben frekuensi puncak udakara kaping pindho frekuensi puncak sadurunge. Kayata, frekuensi puncak 10 bar kudu ngikuti frekuensi puncak 20 bar, banjur frekuensi puncak 40 bar, lsp. Filter Harmonic nyaring puncak siklus sing cedhak banget karo liyane, kanthi milih puncak kanthi amplitudo sing luwih dhuwur. Prinsip Harmonisitas ora pas, luwih minangka aturan jempol, supaya sampeyan bisa nyetel filter ing skala 0 - 100 kanthi standar 50. Seting 0 ora bakal nyebabake saringan. Ganti 100 bakal ngetrapake kemajuan geometri sing ketat, supaya saben frekuensi puncak siklus kudu paling sethithik kaping pindho dawane frekuensi puncak sadurunge. Setting 50 ateges saben frekuensi puncak kudu paling sethithik 1,5 kali dawane frekuensi puncak sadurunge.
You can override the Harmonic Filter setting in the Parameters window by setting the PinggangFarter AFL variable. When running a backtest or optimization, you may set the AFL variable to an array, to dynamically vary the value on each bar.
Min Fitness
Min Fitness allows you to filter out cycles that fail to meet the specified statistical threshold and are likely just noise. The default value is 50. When Min Fitness is set to a value greater than 0, PrescienTrader performs a sophisticated statistical test on each cycle frequency and returns a fitness score ranging from 0 – 100. Cycle peaks must meet or exceed the Min Fitness to be included when calculating the Prescient Line.
You can override the Min Fitness setting in the Parameters window by setting the ptMinFitness AFL variable. When running a backtest or optimization, you may set the AFL variable to an array, to dynamically vary the value on each bar.
Siklus X Paling apik
Siklus X Paling apik allows you to specify the maximum number of cycle peaks that will be used to generate the Prescient Line. The default value is 10. Cycle peaks will be prioritized by Fitness. If PrescienTrader finds more peaks than the number specified by Best X Cycles, it will filter out the lowest fitness peaks.
You can override the Best X Cycles setting in the Parameters window by setting the ptBestXCycles AFL variable. When running a backtest or optimization, you may set the AFL variable to an array, to dynamically vary the value on each bar.
Ngurutake Siklus
PrescienTrader ngasilake laporan siklus sing rinci ing AmiBroker Tafsiran jendhela. Ing Ngurutake Siklus parameter nemtokake carane siklus diurutake ing laporan. Setelan gawan yaiku kanggo ngurutake kabeh Frekuensi. Utawa, sampeyan bisa ngurutake Kahanan, sing bakal nampilake siklus kanthi amplitudo paling gedhe dhisik, utawa Kekuwatan, sing bakal nuduhake siklus paling kuat dhisik. Kekuwatan diwilang kanthi misahake amplitudo kanthi frekuensi kasebut. Contone, siklus kanthi amplitudo 200 lan frekuensi 50 duwe kekuatan 200/50 = 4.
You can override the Cycles Sorting setting in the Parameters window by setting the ptCyclesSorting AFL variable.
Save / Clear Chart Settings
PrescienTrader nyedhiyakake akeh parameter sing ngidini sampeyan nyetel algoritma kanggo macem-macem pasar lan bingkai wektu sing beda. Yen sampeyan miwiti nganalisa macem-macem pasar, bisa rumit kanthi gampang kanggo nglacak setelan parameter sing ditrapake kanggo tangga, apike wektu mbuwang wektu kudu nyetel paramèter saben-saben sampeyan ngganti grafik.
Kanggo ngatasi masalah kasebut, PrescienTrader nyedhiyakake kemampuan kanggo nyimpen paramèter kanggo sembarang bagan, kanthi mung mbukak jendhela Parameter lan ngeklik Save Chart Settings tombol. Iki bakal nyimpen setelan parameter kasebut mung grafik. Saben kombinasi simbol lan pigura wektu duwe paramèter unik dhewe. Dadi sampeyan bisa ngirit setelan parameter kanggo grafik saben dina AAPL, banjur pindhah menyang bagan mingguan AAPL lan simpen parameter sing beda banget. Saben sampeyan ngalih ing saben dina lan diagram mingguan, parameter bakal nganyari kanthi otomatis.
Mung paramèter sing mengaruhi nganalisa of the data series will be saved. Parameters affecting the appearance of the chart will not be saved. This is because these parameters are applicable to all charts, rather than a specific chart. For example, it would make no sense to change the color of the Prescient Line plot for just one chart. It would be confusing if the plot color changed each time you switched to a different chart.
Specifically, the following parameters will BUKU be saved:
- Siri Data
- Werna
- Ngurutake Siklus
Saved parameter settings will override the settings displayed in the Parameters widow, so if you change a setting on a chart that has saved settings, your changed setting will have no effect and the chart will continue to use the saved setting. To remove the saved settings click the Cetha button. After you clear the saved settings, PrescienTrader will revert back to using the settings displayed in the Parameters window. You can also click the Reset Kabeh button to force the Parameters window to display the saved chart settings.
Save Default Settings
In addition to saving settings for individual charts, you can also save default settings that can be applied to new charts. Unlike saved chart settings, the default settings do BUKU override the displayed settings. Click the Reset Kabeh button to revert to the default settings in the Parameters window. Note that if a chart has saved settings, Reset All will revert to the saved settings, not the default settings. If you want the default settings, first click the Clear button to clear the saved settings, then click the Reset All button.
The API Key and Log File Path are saved automatically, even if you don’t click the Save Default Settings tombol.
HTP minangka singkatan kanggo Periode Wektu sing luwih dhuwur. PrescienTrader ngidini sampeyan tumpang tindih nganti rong garis wektu Prescient Lines ing panel grafik siji. Sampeyan bisa uga overlay wektu sing padha nggunakake setelan parameter sing beda. Contone, yen wektu wektu dhasar saben dina, sampeyan bisa nggunakake HTP1 lan HTP2 kanggo ngrancang denah saben dina kanthi setelan parameter sing beda.
- Ing Periode parameter, sing ditemokake ing bagean parameter HTP, nyetel wektu kanggo overlay HTP1 lan HTP2. Periode sing kasedhiya yaiku:
- Otomatis
- Titik
- Kaloro
- Menit
- Jam
- Dina
- Minggu
- Wulan
- Taun
- Ing Periode Freq parameter nemtokake frekuensi periode sing dipilih. Contone, yen sampeyan nemtokake Periode Minggu lan Periode Freq menyang 4, sing bakal nggawe overlay 4 Line Prescient Line.
Yen sampeyan ngeset parameter Periode Otomatis, PrescienTrader bakal milih periode wektu sing luwih dhuwur kanthi otomatis, kanthi periode wektu dhasar. Contone, yen wektu wektu dhasar sampeyan Saben dina, nggunakake Weekly kanggo HTP1 lan saben wulan kanggo HTP2.
The parameter settings in the HTP1 and HTP2 sections operate the same way as the corresponding settings in the main section. The only difference is, these settings are specific to the HTP1 and HTP2 analyses. You can independently adjust Min Frequency, Max Frequency, Lookback Range, Harmonic Filter, Min Fitness, Best X Cycles and PL Basis for each of the three time periods.